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If you own a newer Maytag W?

There can be various reasons why your GE washer lid lock keeps clickin?

The operating manual contains valuable infor. It also makes you wonder where the clicking sound comes from in the first place. Clicking during the cycle is most commonly caused by … A clicking sound at the start of a cycle could indicate a faulty door lock, a damaged drive belt, or a worn motor coupler. Unbalanced Load Cause. young swimsuit pictures If the lint filter is damaged, clogged, or missing, lint can build up in the washing machine and leave marks on the laundry inside. Fortunately, many of these issues can be re. If the lid on a top-loader washer closed properly, the washer likely won’t run. Another possible issue is a malfunctioning motor. dent in skin on leg Oct 30, 2013 · Door or Lid Latch Assembly If the washer lid or door won't lock the lock and switch assembly might be defective. As of 2015, some of the customer-reported issues with GE top-load washers are that the washers don’t seem to get specific clothes as clean as other types of washers and sometimes l. Plug washing machine back in. If they continue to click, then the appliances might be the culprit Cut the Power Return the washing machine to upright position. spirited showtimes near marcus pickerington cinema The entire reason your washer needs to lock is for safety reasons. ….

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