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If I were you I might get another b?

Nevertheless, I am concerned. ?

TW: positive beta discussion. TW Possitive beta: Are my beta numbers okay. If you search "low beta" in this sub there are a whole bunch of conversations and lots of stories of successful pregnancies that started with low beta. For reference, my betas for this blighted ovum pregnancy were 164 at 11dpt and 498 at 13dpt. She’s now almost 9 months old. thechive reddit Are you facing issues while trying to install IMO Beta on your device? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Will this baby be ok?! I started with a faint positive on 4dpt on hpt and the tests have continued to progress very nicely but the hpt isn’t equivalent to a high beta number. 7dpt - Beta Hcg - 71 ; prog 231 11dpt - Beta Hcg - 745 ; prog 172 15dpt - Beta Hcg - 4174 24dpt - jest zarodek z ️ (szpital, jednorazowe krwawienie bez przyczyny) 31dpt - CRL 10mm 💓 11+2 - CRL 45mm 🧡 13+3 - CRL 70 mm, I prenatalne ok 💝 17+3 - 200 g. 5 is considered normal and isn’t a cause for concern. We were told frozens can take time to get going. sunset july 2 2023 - dwie kreseczki na teście (4dpt) 🥰/Beta: 6dpt - 27,2/8dpt -101/14dpt - 2091/15dpt - jest pęcherzyk ciążowy (również krwiak)/27dpt - 0,62cm maluszka z bijącym 💗 (133u/min). Jun 11, 2022 · hi Everyone!I just had FET with my 1 PGS embryo, on 30 May and yesterday (11 June) 11DPT I did my beta HCG test and the result was 95. My RE was thrilled with this but me, not so much. 80 and my progesterone was 37 I was concerned about the low number just because it was below the 50 mark, but my doctor was not concerned. Wiem, przyrost troszkę za niski względem ustalonych norm, ale jestem dobrej myśli ️ Aktualnie 14dpt i czekam tydzień (!⏰) na pierwsze usg. We conceived naturally during the same cycle and are having di-di twins,. honda dealership gaffney sc This study is definitely not encouraging with the numbers at this stage. ….

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